View your options below.

Register by APRIL 13, 2025 for classes in the SPRING session.

Japanese 1
(In-Person & Online)
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 25 - May 30, 2025
Japanese 2
(In-Person & Online)
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 22 - May 27, 2025
Japanese 3
(In-Person & Online)
9:00am - 12:00pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 27 - Jun. 1, 2025
Japanese 5
(In-Person & Online)
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 23 - May 28, 2025
Japanese 6
(In-Person & Online)
12:30pm - 3:30pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 27 - Jun. 1, 2025
Japanese 7
(In-Person & Online)
6:00pm - 9:00pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 24 - Jun. 5, 2025
(No class on May 22nd)
Japanese Private Lessons
Please call for schedule availability. $80 per hour
for 1 to 4 students

Japanese Course Descriptions:

Japanese 1:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

This is a beginner-level language course designed for students who have little or no prior Japanese learning experience. In this course, students will learn basic Japanese language skills (i.e. listening, speaking, reading, and writing). Students will be introduced to Japanese writing system (i.e. Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji) and will learn how to use a computer to write Japanese. Students will practice basic conversations in the target language and learn about Japanese culture. The introduction chapter plus chapters 1 and 2 of Genki 1(2nd edition) will be covered.

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Use greetings and introduce self and others
  • Express gratitude
  • Describe people
  • Count and tell time
  • Use shopping expressions and ask about prices
  • Talk about family
  • Ask for directions and the location of an object
  • Name articles of clothing, personal items, classroom objects, and commmon places
  • Order food and drinks
  • Construction of affirmative and negative sentences
  • Form questions
  • Use demonstratives

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017305)

Japanese 2:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 2 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 1 language proficiency. New kanji characters will be introduced in each lesson and learners will focus on mastering a set of kanji characters in each lesson. In addition to speaking and listening practice, students will start developing their reading and writing skills. Students will learn to read and write short paragraphs and have their writing reviewed by the instructor. Chapters 3 and 4 of Genki 1(2nd edition) will be covered. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Talk about habitual activities and plans
  • Use adverbs of frequency and particles
  • Conjugate u-verbs, ru-verbs, and irregular verbs in present tense and past
  • Suggest activities
  • Describe where things are
  • Use expressions of quantity
  • Talk about your schedule

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017305)

Japanese 3:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 3 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 2 language proficiency. In this course, speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills will be developed further. Your instructor will provide you with dialogues that match your interests to develop your conversational skills. Students will practice making a questionnaire, writing a report based on a survey, writing a journal, and writing a thank-you letter. Students will also read longer passages, learn more vocabulary, and continue to build their reading comprehension skills. The instructor will provide additional resources to enrich the course. Chapters 5 and 6 of Genki 1(2nd edition) will be covered. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Talk about vacationing
  • Describe places
  • Give directions
  • Express likes and dislikes
  • Use counting words for specific items
  • Make follow up suggestions
  • Talk about well-known Japanese festivals and the Japanese educational system
  • Use expressions at the post office
  • Use the Te-form to make requests, give and ask for permission, state that something is forbidden, or to describe two activities
  • Give explanations or reasons

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017305)

Japanese 4:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 4 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 3 language proficiency. Students will start reading actual texts from the media and watch short video clips to hone their reading and listening skills. Learners will practice dialogues with their instructor and be able to converse on various topics. The instructor will provide additional resources to enrich the course. Chapters 7 and 8 of Genki 1 (2nd edition) will be covered. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Talk about kinship, people, parts of the body, and Japanese meals
  • Conduct a small talk
  • Use the "te-"form" followed by a helping verb to talk about an action in progress or a past event connected with the present
  • Use the "te-"form to join sentences
  • Use verbs describing the purpose of a movement
  • Use the counter for people
  • Use "short forms" in casual conversations, quoted speech, negative requests, and to express ideas
  • Use "something" and "anything"
  • Make guesses about a person or place
  • Report what a person said

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017305)

Japanese 5:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 5 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 4 language proficiency. Students' literacy skills, as well speaking and listening skills will be developed further. Students will practice writing greeting cards, produce short speeches for different occasions, watch short video clips, read short newspaper articles on various topics, critically evaluate the articles, and discuss the topics with the instructor. Chapters 9 and 10 of Genki 1 (2nd edition) will be covered. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Make comparative and superlative sentences and questions
  • Use possesive forms
  • Use past tense short forms
  • Qualify nouns with verbs and adjectives
  • Use explanation clauses in sentences
  • Use informal speech regarding the past
  • Talk about Japanese traditional culture and public transportation in Japan

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017305)

Japanese 6:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 6 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 5 language proficiency. This course focuses on further improving learners' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Students will read articles on various topics (national policies, economy, culture, technology), study the structure of the writings, and write a report on a research topic. Students will practice listening to interviews, public speeches, and news broadcast and comprehend the presented materials spoken at a natural speed, summarize them in their own words, and be able to discuss orally with their instructor. Chapters 11 and 12 of Genki 1 (2nd edition) will be covered. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Describe hopes, aspirations, and goals
  • Understand main points of news broadcast without subtitles
  • Talk about things that have happened (present and past perfect)
  • Talk about having something up to the amount needed but not more or "too much"
  • Indicate the role you want something to play using "as"
  • Talk about Japanese holidays
  • Give advice in the affirmative and negative
  • Say that it is necessary to do something
  • Use double negatives
  • Make a prediction
  • Invite another person's opinion or guess
  • Turn down an invitation and give an explanation
  • Talk about the climate, weather, health, and illness

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 1, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017305)

Japanese 7:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 7 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 6 language proficiency. This course focuses on further improving learners' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Chapters 13 and 14 of Genki 2 (2nd edition) will be covered.

  • Talk about looking for a part-time job, making tranactions at a bank, the names of years,and annual events in Japan
  • Use the potential verb to say that someone "can" or "has the ability to" do something
  • Give the reasons for something
  • Say that something "looks like" or "seemingly" has or doesn't have certain properties
  • Use the 'te'-form plus a helping verb to express the idea of "doing something tentatively" or "trying something"
  • Describe the frequency of events over a period of time
  • Say that someone 'wants' something
  • Say that something is or isn't possible
  • Use verbs for giving and receiving
  • Make a recommendation
  • Use "as many as", "a few as", and "only"
  • Use short forms in casual speech
  • Express admiration, frustration, or a strong emotion

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 2, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017329)

Japanese 8:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 8 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 7 language proficiency. This course focuses on further improving learners' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Chapters 15 and 16 of Genki 2 (2nd edition) will be covered.

  • Use volitional form to suggest a plan, ask for an opinion, and talk about your intention or prediction
  • Use sentences to qualify nouns
  • Talk about Japanese accomodations
  • Use more short forms in casual speech
  • Talk aout what you would need to do in preparation for an event
  • Roleplay hotel conversations
  • Use helping verbs to talk about giving and receiving services
  • Make a request in three degrees of politeness
  • Say that you hope something nice happens and you wish for the good luck of somebody
  • Describe when something happens or happened
  • Use 'te'-form of a verb to describe the things you have done or failed to do that you want to apologize for.
  • Turn adjectives into nouns
  • Talk about gift-giving in Japan

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 2, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017329)

Japanese 9:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 9 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 8 language proficiency. This course focuses on further improving learners' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Chapters 17 and 18 of Genki 2 (2nd edition) will be covered.

  • Use sentence-final expressions to present a "hearsay report"
  • Use "according to" to specify information source
  • Express a conditional event, action, and situation
  • Say that something or somebody resembles something else
  • Express the idea that something "appears to be the case"
  • Describe the event 'before' which something happens
  • Talk about Japanese gestures and sushi
  • Talk about things you 'have to' or 'don't have to' do
  • Roleplay a conversation at the barber or beauty salon
  • Use transitive and intransitive verbs
  • Express cause and effect
  • Say two actions are performed at the same time
  • Say that you "wish you had done" or "should have done" something

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 2, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017329)

Japanese 10:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 10 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 9 language proficiency. This course focuses on further improving learners' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Chapters 19 and 20 of Genki 2 (2nd edition) will be covered.

  • Use honorific irregular and regular 'u'-verbs
  • Give respectful advice
  • Use 'te'-form to express gratitude and refer to the action you are grateful for in doing so
  • Say that something is "supposed to be the case"
  • Turn nouns and adjectives into honorific forms by adding prefixes
  • Talk about visiting someone's house and Japanese pop culture
  • Talk modestly of our own actions, your family, or the company you work for
  • Use verbs in the humble pattern
  • Talk about doing something without doing something else
  • Use questions within larger sentences
  • Say a person or a thing that goes by a certain name
  • Describe something that is "easy to do" by adding the adjective-forming suffix to a verb stem
  • Roleplay conversations between a customer and attendant

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 2, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017329)

Japanese 11:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 11 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 10 language proficiency. This course focuses on further improving learners' proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Chapters 21 to 23 of Genki 2 (2nd edition) will be covered.

  • Use passive sentences and questions
  • Use 'te'-form of a verb plus a helping verb to characterize a situation that 'has been brought about on purpose' by somebody who remains unnamed
  • Talk about an event that takes place 'in the middle of another' event
  • Use adjectives plus irregular verb meaning "to make"
  • Describe wishes using 'te'-form and adjectives
  • Summarize the three words for "want"
  • Talk about crimes and accidents
  • Talk about religion and education in Japan
  • Use causative sentences
  • Use commands
  • Use the conditional using "provided that"
  • Describe an action which is "done in the same way" or "comparable" to another
  • Use causative-passive sentences to say that you were made to do, or harassed, or talked into doing something you did not want to do
  • Talk about "deciding to do" something
  • Talk 'the way in which an action is performed' or 'how to do' something
  • Use Japanese proverbs

Textbook: Genki Textbook Volume 2, 3rd edition (ISBN: 978-4789017329)

Japanese 12
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 12 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 11 language proficiency.  Japanese 12 is an opportunity for students who wish to further develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students will read four medium to long passages and practice writing biographies, emails, and letters in a culturally nuanced way. Students will learn about 90 new kanji characters, approximately 200 new vocabulary words and 20 grammar points to build on their communicative abilities. Chapters 1 and 2 of Quartet will be covered. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Read a profile or biography and understand what is said about that person
  • Introduce someone through writing
  • Learn more about modified nouns and using demonstrative words
  • Introduce yourself to someone and put your best foot forward
  • Get to know classmates through small talk
  • Prolong a conversation
  • Understand conversations about when a place is closed, making reservations, and fees
  • Listen to people’s impressions of Japan
  • Adopt one’s writing to various stylistic formats
  • Understand the differences in expressions for conjecture - そうだ, ようだ, みたいだ and らしい
  • Develop a deeper understanding of elementary grammar, such as な ら
  • Read and write emails and letters
  • Make requests and show gratitude in writing
  • Ask for favors and give thanks in conversation
  • Make plans based on forecasts
  • Speak respectfully to and about others
  • Develop a deeper understanding of phrases showing appreciation, like おかげで
  • Learn how to use different levels of politeness

Textbook: Quartet Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills I (ISBN: 978-4789016957)

Japanese 13
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 13 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 12 language proficiency.  Japanese 13 is an opportunity for students who wish to further develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Students will read four medium to long passages and practice writing about geographical regions, and practice participating in group discussions in a culturally nuanced way. Students will learn about 90 new kanji characters, approximately 100 new vocabulary words, and 20 grammar points to build on their communicative abilities. Students will also practice complex routine interactions, such as changing reservations, asking for and giving advice, and understanding complex instructions. Chapters 3 and 4 of Quartet will be covered. Upon successful completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Read and write about places that showcase Japan’s uniqueness
  • Glean the gist of a paragraph
  • Write about one’s favorite place
  • Make and change a reservation for a restaurant
  • Order and ask about a menu item
  • Make plans with another
  • Demonstrate a nuanced understanding how to use expressions of giving and receiving あげる・くれる・もらう and てあげる・てくれる・てもらう
  • Further understanding of passive, causative, and causative-passive expressions
  • Participate in roundtable discussions
  • Rand and speak about one’s experiences and lessons learned
  • Record an interview and responses
  • Give reasons and express thoughts
  • Ask for and give advice
  • Ask for recommendations
  • Follow instructions
  • Further understanding of passive, causative, and causative-passive expressions

Textbook: Quartet Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills I (ISBN: 978-4789016957)

Japanese 14
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 14 Japanese course is designed for students who have completed level 13 language proficiency.  Japanese 14 is an opportunity for students who wish to further develop their skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students will read four medium to long passages and practice writing a complex procedure and writing an editorial about a societal issue in a culturally nuanced way. Students will learn 90 new kanji characters, approximately 200 new vocabulary words and 20 grammar points to build on their communicative abilities. Students will also practice making plans with others, expressing dissatisfaction and apologizing for causing trouble. Chapters 5 and 6 of Quartet will be covered. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

  • Read an informational pamphlet
  • Understand the allure of Japanese cuisine
  • Read and prepare a Japanese recipe
  • Write a homestyle recipe
  • Use expressions that present steps or procedures
  • Make plans for the weekend
  • Invite guests
  • Follow directions
  • Demonstrate a deeper understanding of expressions like ておく and はず
  • Show a deeper understanding of conditional expressions: と, ば, たら and なら
  • Read an editorial and understand the writer’s main points
  • Understand the writer’s opinion and the reasons why they agree or disagree with a topic
  • Write an opinion about a familiar problem
  • Convey an opinion
  • Express a number of reasons
  • Express complaints
  • Apologize
  • Expressing and understanding a warning
  • Learn the differences between the particles は and が

Textbook: Quartet Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills I (ISBN: 978-4789016957)

Japanese Private Lessons:

We offer Japanese language private lessons. Private lessons are $80 per hour for 1 to 4 students. We will schedule lessons based on the availability of the student(s) and teacher. Start dates are flexible. Please register at least 2 weeks before your first lesson.

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