All our Vietnamese classes are available LIVE ONLINE. 

Register by APRIL 13, 2025 for classes in the SPRING session.

Vietnamese 1
(Online Class)
Tuesdays & Thursdays
7:45pm - 9:15pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 22 - May 29, 2025
Vietnamese 3
(Online Class)
Tuesdays & Thursdays
6:00pm - 7:30pm
per 6-week course
SPRING: Apr. 22 - May 29, 2025
Vietnamese Private Lessons
(Online Class)
Please call for schedule availability. $80 per hour
for 1 to 4 students

Vietnamese Course Descriptions:

Vietnamese 1:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

This is a beginner-level Vietnamese language course designed for students who have little or no prior Vietnamese learning experience. Students are introduced to the four basic language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as to the Vietnamese culture. An emphasis on sounds, vocabulary, and sentence patterns will establish strong communicative skills which students will be able to use in authentic contexts and role-playing scenarios. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to carry on basic conversations in Vietnamese as well as read and write sentences using the structures learned. Units 1 to 3 of the textbook will be covered.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • Say the alphabet in Vietnamese
  • Identify the 6 Vietnamese tones
  • Use simple greetings
  • Use "chào" to greet someone
  • Use the question word "gì" to ask someone's name
  • Ask yes-no questions, using "có...không"
  • Recognize and use some common terms of address
  • Use "ai" as a question word
  • Use "của" to indicate "of" or ownership
  • Use "qua" to emphasize a feeling or quality of something
  • Use "nào" to express "which" in a question
  • Seek confirmation of certain information, using "(có) phải không
  • Talk about future activities, using "sẽ"
  • Use "đầu" to ask about a place or location
  • Count up to 1005
  • Identify colors and talk about various means of transportation
  • Use "đang" to talk about an activity that is happening now or was happening at a certain time in the past
  • Talk about countable and uncountable nouns
  • Use prepositions "trong", "ngoài", and "dưới"
  • Talk about different parts of the day and the different meals
  • Use "nhưng" to express but

Textbook: Colloquial Vietnamese – The Complete Course for Beginners by Bac Hoai Tran, Ha Minh Nguyen, Tuan Duc Vuong, & Que Vuong
ISBN: 978-1138950238

Vietnamese 2:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 2 Vietnamese course is designed for students who have completed level 1 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as well as learn more about Vietnamese culture. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to carry on simple conversations in Vietnamese as well as read and write sentences using the structures learned. Units 4 to 6 of the textbook will be covered.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • Use "đó/vậy" to softern the tone of a question
  • Use "mới" to talk about an activity or event that just happened
  • Use "khi nào" to ask when a certain activity or event with take place
  • Talk about the days of the week and the months of the year
  • Use "lúc mấy giờ" to find out what time some activity happened or will happen
  • Tell time
  • Ask the question "why?", using "vì/tại sao"
  • Say ""
  • Use "mất" to talk about money or time spent on doing something
  • Use the question word "bao xa" to ask how far a place might be
  • Use the question word "bao lâu" to ask how long an activity went on or will go on
  • Use "bằng gì" to ask how someone gets/got to a certain place
  • Use "lăm" in questions and negative statements
  • Add some information to what you are mentioning, using "ngoài ra"
  • Use "nghe nói" to talk about some information picked up by word of mouth
  • Use "đã...chữa: to ask whether someone has every done something
  • Use "thế nào" to ask about the quality of something or the character of someone
  • Use "...đi" to make a suggestion or to give an order
  • Use "để" to make a suggestion
  • Express the conditional, using "nếu thi"
  • Use "đừng" to tell someone not to do something

Textbook: Colloquial Vietnamese – The Complete Course for Beginners by Bac Hoai Tran, Ha Minh Nguyen, Tuan Duc Vuong, & Que Vuong
ISBN: 978-1138950238

Vietnamese 3:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The Level 3 Vietnamese course is designed for students who have completed Level 2 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as well as learn more about Vietnamese culture. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to carry on conversations in Vietnamese as well as read and write sentences using the structures learned. Units 7 to 9 of the textbook will be covered.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • Use "à" to ask for confirmation or to express some mild suprise
  • Use classifiers to talk about individual members of classes or nouns and to form nouns from verbs
  • Ask when something happened or will happen, using "bao giờ"
  • Express the completion of an activity, using "xong">
  • Use some common adverbs of frequency
  • Talk about the weather, using "trời"
  • Use the introductory phrase "chắc (là)" to express "probably" (l
  • Use "cũng" to express "every"
  • Express the comparative degree, using "hơn"
  • Use the structure "làm gì mà...được" to express the impossibility of something
  • Use the structure "tức là..." to express "that means..."
  • Talk about daily activities, using "hàng ngày"
  • Use "cứ" to express "just go ahead and do something"
  • Use "hay là" to express an alternative or another option
  • Use "không cả" to express "not all"
  • Use "sau khi" to express "after something happens/happened"
  • Use "hỏi" in reported or indirect speech
  • Talk about the seasons

Textbook: Colloquial Vietnamese – The Complete Course for Beginners by Bac Hoai Tran, Ha Minh Nguyen, Tuan Duc Vuong, & Que Vuong
ISBN: 978-1138950238

Vietnamese 4:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 4 Vietnamese course is designed for students who have completed level 3 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as well as learn more about Vietnamese culture. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to carry on conversations in Vietnamese as well as read and write sentences using the structures learned. Units 10 to 12 of the textbook will be covered.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • Ask a yes-no questions, using the construction "có...hay không"
  • Build superlative constructions with "nhất"
  • Use ordinal numbers
  • Express the passive voice, using "được"
  • Use "cách đây" to express "ago"
  • Talk about different regions of Vietnam
  • Use "cho nên" to express a logical explanation
  • Use "gốc" to talk about a person's origin or roots
  • Use "khi" to express the conjunction "when"
  • Use "nhất là" and "đặc biệt là" to express "especially"
  • Use "ai mà chẳng" to express "who doesn't"
  • Use "nói chung" to express "in general"
  • Say the names of the continents
  • Use "tốn" to talk about expenses
  • Use "được không" to ask about the "possibility of (doing) something
  • Use "nếu knong (thì)" to express "if not"
  • Talk about some common symptons and illnesses
  • Use "bị" to talk about symptoms and illnesses or negative situations
  • Use "vẫn hơn" to express "before something happens/happened

Textbook: Colloquial Vietnamese – The Complete Course for Beginners by Bac Hoai Tran, Ha Minh Nguyen, Tuan Duc Vuong, & Que Vuong
ISBN: 978-1138950238

Vietnamese 5:
(3 hours per week for 6 weeks)

The level 5 Vietnamese course is designed for students who have completed level 4 language proficiency. Students will continue to develop their four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as well as learn more about Vietnamese culture. Upon completion of this course, students should be able to carry on conversations in Vietnamese as well as read and write sentences using the structures learned. Units 13 to 14 of the textbook will be covered.

Students who successfully complete this course should be able to:

  • Make a suggestion, using "hãy"
  • Use "trước" to express "first"
  • Use "lỡ" to express "in case"
  • Express "how long (up until now)", using "bao lâu rồi"
  • Use "kể cả" to express "including"
  • Use "hồi nào" to express "when" for things that already happened
  • Express "how much longer", using "bao lâu nữa"
  • Use "cả đều" to express "both" or "all"
  • Use "vì vậy" to express "therefore"
  • Express "just the other day", using "mới ngày nào"
  • Use "nếu thế" to express "if so"
  • Wish somebody something, using "chúc"
  • Use "thứ tiếng" when referring to "language(s)"
  • Use "(giống) như" to express "be like"

Textbook: Colloquial Vietnamese – The Complete Course for Beginners by Bac Hoai Tran, Ha Minh Nguyen, Tuan Duc Vuong, & Que Vuong
ISBN: 978-1138950238

Vietnamese Private Lessons:

We offer Vietnamese language private lessons. Private lessons are $80 per hour for 1 to 4 students. We will schedule lessons based on the availability of the student(s) and teacher. Start dates are flexible. Please register at least 2 weeks before your first lesson.

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